Plan miasta Tolgen

Tolgen - Najnowsze wiadomości:


Perfection Year 2534- The sun's rays have become 10 fold hotter than before, snow and seasons are in disorder.Among this disorder, cities have been made in strong glass domes, each one protecting the town or city within it. ...
źródło: BlogSearch


Perfection Year 2534- The sun's rays have become 10 fold hotter than before, snow and seasons are in disorder.Among this disorder, cities have been made in strong glass domes, each one protecting the town or city within it. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

nels and ida haugen

nels and ida were married in 1893 and filed on land in btolgen/b township, des lacs, north dakota in 1901. three children were born in minnesota and five were born in north dakota. footnote: i found some old notes in a family bible written b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch
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